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4.9 ( 9959 ratings )
Verktyg Sport
Utvecklare: Offline Software
1.99 USD

Collect lacrosse game statistics for all players on both teams. Collect stats for multiple teams and multiple games. Lacrosse Stats allows you to track lacrosse game statistics for one, several, or all of the players on one or both teams. Simple to use, Lacrosse Stats is useful for all levels of play. If you are just interested in collecting stats for a single team look for Lacrosse Lite. If you just want to keep an electronic roster, look for Roster Free.


* Supports both the iPhone and iPad as a universal app.
* Track player and team statistics (men and women)
* Track player penalties (iPad only)
* Track time - stop clock or running clock (iPad only)
* Track periods and timeouts
* Track season stats (choose date range)
* Show calculated player stats by game or season
* Automatically create your team roster as you collect stats
* Email game stat results in HTML and as an attached CSV file
* Easy addition/deletion of games, teams, and players
* Download players from a file on the Internet
* Import players from an email attachment
* Share players with others wirelessly using Bluetooth
* Ability to add player name, grade and position
* Track multiple games and teams
* View complete game/team/player stats easily within application by period
* View play by play stats easily within application
* Ability to track stats for a single team
* Alternate methods for selecting player during stat entry
* Text game information
* Tweet game information

Your feedback is always appreciated. Please send an email to [email protected] with any suggestions/recommendations, desired features, questions or problems.

If you rate this application as a three or less, please send an email to [email protected]. We would very much like to address any issues or missing functionality. We can only make the application better with your feedback!